巴西鳶尾花Walking iris
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$
- 使用紅利點數:點
- 對外在環境人事的敏感,多想而心裡慌亂不安的人
- 因事件而受到驚嚇十分恐慌的人
- 對外在環境敏感,內在又紛亂搖擺不定的人
- 想很多、心很亂、無法安心的人
- 徬徨、無助、躁動不安,對人任性衝動,想要逃離生活
- 心像一盤散沙,對人常情緒爆發,喜怒無常
Flowers that retreat to the innermost stability: Calm fear and dismay, restoring the position of the self.
Stabilize deep-set energy, projecting a flexible temperament, absolutely fearless, soothing the innermost panic, nervousness and fear. Some people cannot believe in themselves. They always wish to escape from internal, proliferating thoughts and feelings and don’t wish to face themselves. When their chaotic innermost being next encounters changes in human affairs in the external world, they are all the more scared, nervous and susceptible to fear. The iris of Brazil with tremendous stabilizing power and a flexible temperament, first steadies our nerves and soothes the deeply frightened body and mind, enabling us to return to our inner self, to experience security and relaxation, endowing us with lively and flexible energy, able to adapt peacefully to changes in the environment even if tossed about by the wind and rain, and to stabilize the inner self without being influenced by the outside.
Suitable subjects: People who have experienced immense terror as a result of events, people who think a lot, whose mind is disordered and who cannot be at ease, people who cannot adapt to the environment and are always nervous, rushed and ill at ease, people who are sensitive to external environments and are innately disorganized and indecisive.
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$