- 過度多情而深受困擾的人
- 沉溺於性幻想的人
- 身陷情慾而無法自拔的人
- 性觀念扭曲而過度潔癖的人
Vanda’s energy brings light, transforming rays of light. It is of help to the overly sentimental, people given to daydreaming and fantasizing, men and women working in bars and clubs where prostitution is practiced, or people with mysophobia, or the fear of dirt. It is also beneficial to people who find it difficult to control their sexual urges. Many people feel that they are trapped, and find it difficult to pull themselves out even if they are constantly suffering. This flower essence can act as a boost to your mental and spiritual sides, to help you shake off any negative emotional states and the modes of behavior associated with them.
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$