小白頭翁花氣 Wild Windflower
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$
- 使用紅利點數:點
1. 容易放大負面感受而情緒起伏不定的人
2. 深受情緒起伏影響的人
3. 深陷於創傷情境中無法自拔的人
4. 單親媽媽等困境而孤軍奮戰的人
5. 感受力比較不強烈的人
6. 精神容易耗散無法凝聚的人
7. 容易放大負面想法,情緒需要安定的孩子
8. 經前症候群,情緒起伏煩躁的人(更年期\經期\青春期)
1. 朋友或同事隨口的一句話,可能卻讓我們格外地憤怒或傷心
Flexible flowers: a safety net for the mood, spiritual radar detection instrument
Cotton-like light, extensive, free, open and stable energy, opening the qi fields layer upon layer, a glittering, lively creativity. Can balance the left and right of the body, coordinate the internal and external, stabilize brain frequencies, possess healthy thoughts, positive love, attentiveness and passion, spiritual richness and diversity, clear and bright, manifest and distinct.
Enables the affairs, troubles and thoughts of the heart to open up layer by layer and make the heart free. Some people are prone to immersing themselves in life’s experiences, be they sad or happy, illness or suffering, or whatever experience, which they invariably magnify, appearing extremely sentimental. Or there are their opposites: those who painstakingly forget painful experiences from the past, for whom, on the surface, all is fine, while in fact their moods lock their memory rigid; self-protection by disguising the whole person. Not even sunlight can penetrate the deepest parts of their souls. Flower essences can take good care of wounded souls, enable moods to recover stability, memories rendered incoherent by mood impediments to become clear, completely reorganized. The internal and external are coordinated as one, and there are no longer contradictions between what one says and what one does.
Suitable for people prone to magnifying negative experiences, people easily affected by fluctuating moods, people caught in a deeply traumatic situation from which they cannot extricate themselves, single mothers, and the like, in difficult predicaments and fighting their own battles, people whose powers of perception are relatively weak, people whose spirit easily dissipates, who cannot keep themselves together.
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$